Reseda Smile Dental


Root Canals

Root canals is a procedure to treat a damaged or diseased tooth. Inside the tooth, beneath the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. The tissue has blood vessels and nerves and connective tissue, which help grow the root of the tooth during its development. Getting a root canal is relatively painless and extremely effective.

Symptoms for a Root Canal

  • severe pain while chewing or biting
  • a chipped or cracked tooth
  • lingering sensitivity to hot or cold, even after the sensation has been removed
  • swollen or tender gums


Dental bridges are artificial teeth made of crowns on the sides of missing tooth that need to be permanently cemented in place. Bridges are helpful if you have a missing tooth or teeth. The most common causes of missing teeth are tooth decay, gum disease and injury, or a result of a congenital condition. In order for bridges to effectively work, healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth is required. An alternative to bridges are partial dentures, which are removable false teeth, and dental implants. Bridges are a common solution for missing teeth and have been used for many years.


Veneers are a permanent restoration used to correct a chipped or decayed tooth. They are custom-made shells crafted of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front side of teeth. Veneers are great for fixing minor cosmetic issues like chips and cracks. It can also easily whiten your teeth since it attaches to the front surface of your teeth. For those who have damaged enamel, veneers are excellent for enamel abrasion or erosion.

Reasons to get crowns:

  • strengthen a weak tooth
  • protect and support a cracked tooth
  • restore a worn-down or broken tooth
  • hold a dental bridge in place
  • cover a root canal-treated tooth



Fillings are used to treat a small hole, or cavity, in a tooth. To repair a cavity, a dentist removes the decayed tooth tissue and then fills the space with a filling material.

Tooth decay are developed when bacteria come into contact with sugars and starches from foods and drinks, forming acid. The acid attacks the tooth’s surface (enamel), losing its minerals. The frequent exposure to acid will eventually cause severe decay, leading to a large hole or destruction of the entire tooth.

When cavities are removed, tooth-colored (composite) or silver-colored (amalgam) fillings are used to fill the teeth. If further treatment is needed to repair badly-broken down teeth, crowns are the next solution to fix it.



Veneers are a permanent restoration used to correct a chipped or decayed tooth. They are custom-made shells crafted of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front side of teeth. Veneers are great for fixing minor cosmetic issues like chips and cracks. It can also easily whiten your teeth since it attaches to the front surface of your teeth. For those who have damaged enamel, veneers are excellent for enamel abrasion or erosion.


(818) 405 -0278

Current office hours:
Tuesday: 9am – 6pm
Thursday: 9am – 6pm
2nd/4th Saturdays: 9am – 4pm